Brian's Adventures in Findlay, Ohio

This is my blog web site where I will talk about stuff that I do (these are my "adventures" that I am talking about in the title of my blog web site) here in my hometown of Findlay, Ohio which is a pretty good place although maybe it is not like Dayton or New York or a big city like that. Also maybe I will talk about TV or something, I haven't decided.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I do not have a lot of time to type any thing today

So this is all I am going to write for my blog web site today, sorry. (No I did not take the driver license test today because I did not have time because it is Laundry Day, so I will do it tomorrow, I hope I can pass it so maybe I can drive a little bit this weekend on the wedding trip thing to Cincinnati, also I hope I do not "wreck" a car and kill people probably). the end


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